Tulsi Honey:
Tulsi Honey is collected from the holy tulsi plant from the central state of Madhya Pradesh in Bharat. It is rich in colour and it’s herbaceous taste gives it a distinctive feel to tastebuds and soothes to throat. Honey and Tulsi together, strengthens the respriratory system and it is a great source of energy.
Tulsi Honey is good for health and is recommended by health experts to include in your diet by mixing it with a cup of milk to increase stamina, with warm water for weight loss, to sprinkle on desserts and sweets as a taste enhancer and just simple one spoonful in the morning to get rid from cold and flu.
Tulsi Honey contains zero cholesterol and is free of calories. Tulsi Honey is an effective immunity builder which assists in cold, coughs, flu and in infection.
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