HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Showing 1–20 of 183 results

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Bhagavad Gita As It Is – Hindi


    World’s most read Bhagavad Gita. This Bhagavad Gita has transformed the lives of millions of people from every part of the world. Buy it now.

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    Bhagavad Gita As it is (English)


    Bhagavad Gita is universally renowned as the jewel of India’s spiritual wisdom. Spoken by Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His intimate devotee Arjuna, Gita’s seven hundred concise verses provide a definitive guide to the science of self-realization. Indeed, no work even compares in its’ revelations of man’s essential nature, his environment and, ultimately, his relationship with God.

    His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the world’s foremost Vedic scholar, and teacher representing an unbroken chain of fully self-realized spiritual masters beginning with Lord Krishna Himself. Thus, unlike other editions of the Gita, his edition conveys Lord Krishna’s profound message as it is – without the slightest taint of adulteration or personally motivated change.

  • Bhagavad-gita As It Is Bengali


    Bhagavad Gita is universally renowned as the jewel of India’s spiritual wisdom. Spoken by Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His intimate devotee Arjuna, Gita’s seven hundred concise verses provide a definitive guide to the science of self-realization. Indeed, no work even compares in its’ revelations of man’s essential nature, his environment and, ultimately, his relationship with God.

    His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the world’s foremost Vedic scholar, and teacher representing an unbroken chain of fully self-realized spiritual masters beginning with Lord Krishna Himself. Thus, unlike other editions of the Gita, his edition conveys Lord Krishna’s profound message as it is – without the slightest taint of adulteration or personally motivated change.

  • On The Way To Krishna – English


    On the Way to Krsna is based on lectures Srila Prabhupada gave, mostly on the 7th chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, in New York in the fall of 1966. These were still his early days in the United States, and he addresses a quintessential part of what we think of as the American dream: the right to pursue happiness. Of course, the desire for happiness is not an American phenomenon but intrinsic to the human condition.

    Without knowing what real happiness is, Srila Prabhupada says, happiness is impossible to achieve. In this small book, Srila Prabhupada discusses how happiness is found beyond the temporary, and illumines Lord Krishna’s definition of happiness as it is presented in the pages of the Bhagavad-gita.

    Every one of us is searching after happiness, but we do not know what the real happiness is. We see so many advertisements about happiness, but practically speaking only few people are happy. This is because only few people know that the platform of real happiness is beyond temporary things. And that real happiness is described in this book, “On the way back to Krishna”. This is a great book that has verses that will foster the growth towards reaching Supreme personality of Godhead Krishna, who is the goal of life.

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Bhagavad Gita As It Is (Pocket Edition) – English


    World’s most read Bhagavad Gita -now available in Pocket Edition. This Bhagavad Gita has transformed the lives of millions of people from every part of the world. Buy it now.

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    Chant And Be Happy – Hindi


    For years the western world has constantly meditated on the spiritual practices of the east. Many have followed religions, and adopted new methodologies for gaining spiritual insights. However there is nothing higher than chanting and meditating on the Hare Krishna Maha mantra. Doubt it? Then one can test it for oneself by reading this wonderful book called Chant & be Happy.

    Questions frequently asked by spiritual seekers such as what is a mantra? What is a Maha mantra? Why is chanting necessary? How can it help a human being? all are answered in lucid language His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in this pocket edition which encourages everyone to Chant and be Happy. The pocket edition also includes fifty exclusive pages of conversations with the renowned ?Beetle? musicians George Harrison and John Lennon and their experiences with chanting.

  • On The Way to Krishna (Krishna Ki Aur) – Hindi


    On the Way to Krsna is based on lectures Srila Prabhupada gave, mostly on the 7th chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, in New York in the fall of 1966. These were still his early days in the United States, and he addresses a quintessential part of what we think of as the American dream: the right to pursue happiness. Of course, the desire for happiness is not an American phenomenon but intrinsic to the human condition.

    Without knowing what real happiness is, Srila Prabhupada says, happiness is impossible to achieve. In this small book, Srila Prabhupada discusses how happiness is found beyond the temporary, and illumines Lord Krishna’s definition of happiness as it is presented in the pages of the Bhagavad-gita.

    Every one of us is searching after happiness, but we do not know what the real happiness is. We see so many advertisements about happiness, but practically speaking only few people are happy. This is because only few people know that the platform of real happiness is beyond temporary things. And that real happiness is described in this book, “On the way back to Krishna”. This is a great book that has verses that will foster the growth towards reaching Supreme personality of Godhead Krishna, who is the goal of life.

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Krishna,The Reservoir of Pleasure – English


    This introductory pamphlet presents the basic knowledge of Krishna (God), His qualities and nature, and why He is known as the source of all pleasure. Everyone seeks pleasure, but everything pales to the pleasure one receives in connection with Krishna. If we simply turn toward Him we will find, finally, all happiness we hanker for. Learn about Krishna’s fascinating personality and activities and enter into the unlimited reservoir of pleasure. Everyone seeks pleasure, but everything pales to the pleasure one receives in connection with Krsna. If we simply turn towards Him we will find, finally, all happiness we hanker for, Learn about Krsna’s fascinating personality and activities and enter into the unlimited reserovir of pleasure.

  • Perfect Questions Perfect Answers – English


    Perfect Questions Perfect Answers In 1972, Bob Cohen, A Science Teacher In The Peace Corps, Began A Search For Spiritual Enlightenment That Took Him The Length And Breadth Of India. Here Is The Transcript Of His Life-Transforming Meetings With Srila Prabhupada In The Holy Village Of Mayapur, India, The Birthplace Of Sri Krishna Chaitanya, A True Account. A Series Of Meetings With Srila Prabhupada Transforms The Life Of Bob Cohen The Peace Corps Worker In India. There In A Small Bamboo House In The Holy Land Of Mayapur, He Finds Himself At The Feet Of One Of India’s Greatest Saintly Teachers, A Teacher Who Seems To Tell Him Everything He Ever Wanted To Know.
    True accounts of people seeking real happiness, spiritual realization, & liberation. Like, Bob Cohen, a young American Peace Corps worker halfway around the world, searches for meaning enters an ancient village in the midst of West Bengal, where in a small bamboo hut, he finds a teacher who tells him everything he longed for. Cohen says “God, spiritual life–those were such vague terms to me before I met Srila Prabhupada. I have always been interested in religion, but before I met the Krsna conscious devotees, somehow I did not have the proper perspective needed to inquire fruitfully about spiritual life. The existence of a Creator is only common sense–but who is God? Who am I? My Hebrew School and the Oriental philosophy could never get satisfying answers to my questions. I first heard the Hare Krsna mantra in Greenwich Village, New York, in late 1968. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”.

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Bhagavad Gita As It Is – Telugu


    World’s most read Bhagavad Gita. This Bhagavad Gita has transformed the lives of millions of people from every part of the world. Buy it now.

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Chant And Be Happy – English


    For years the western world has constantly meditated on the spiritual practices of the east. Many have followed religions, and adopted new methodologies for gaining spiritual insights. However there is nothing higher than chanting and meditating on the Hare Krishna Maha mantra. Doubt it? Then one can test it for oneself by reading this wonderful book called Chant & be Happy.

    Questions frequently asked by spiritual seekers such as what is a mantra? What is a Maha mantra? Why is chanting necessary? How can it help a human being? all are answered in lucid language His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in this pocket edition which encourages everyone to Chant and be Happy. The pocket edition also includes fifty exclusive pages of conversations with the renowned ?Beetle? musicians George Harrison and John Lennon and their experiences with chanting.

  • Beyond Birth & Death – English


    If you’re reading this, chances are you’re alive and conscious. Meanwhile, your body is gradually, imperceptibly changing. Still reading? Then you’re still alive and your body is still changing. How about now? You’re still living, still conscious, and your body has changed yet again. Notice a pattern?

    Beyond Birth and Death addresses this pattern, and challenges the reader to rethink what “life” means. We tend to think “life” is a brief event occurring between birth and death. We celebrate a birth as “a coming into life” and mourn for the “dead.” But really, life is our permanent condition, and what we call “birth and death” are merely bodily changes.

    This is Krishna’s beginning instruction in the Bhagavad-gita; the self is never born and never dies. We all exist forever, but we’re now heavily involved in a temporary existence in a temporary world. What to do? If we can begin to understand the difference between our self and our material covering, the joy and relief we experience can be life-changing.

    Beyond Birth and Death was prepared from transcripts of lectures Srila Prabhupada gave in 1966 on the second and eighth chapters of the Bhagavad-gita, which discuss in detail the important differences between us (the immortal, spiritual self) and our temporary material outer coverings (bodies).

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Transcendental Teachings of Prahlada Maharaj – Hindi


    Generally , Sri Narada Muni is wrongly portrayed in epic serials. He is therefore misunderstood. People do not realize his sspirtiually elevated position and the relevance of his instructions to their own lives in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, Kali-yuga.
    This new anthology, extracted from Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, contains Narada Muni’s teachings to his most famous disciples: Srila Vyasadeva , Dhruva Maharaja, Prahalada Maharaja , King Citraketu , the sons of Prajapati Daksa and Mrgari the hunter

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Bhagavad Gita As It Is (Pocket Edition) – Hindi


    World’s most read Bhagavad Gita -now available in Pocket Edition. This Bhagavad Gita has transformed the lives of millions of people from every part of the world. Buy it now.

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    Sri Brahma-Samhita – English


    Sri Brahma Samhita- Prayers Of Lord Brahma Lord Brahma Saw Krishna Directly And Composed A Prayer Based On His Realizations–A Striking Prayer By One Who Has Seen The Truth. Krishna Revealed His Own Form To Brahma, Along With His Spiritual Planets, His Devotees And Their Relationships With Him. Overwhelmed By This Transcendental Revelation, Brahma Spoke These Words Glorifying Krishna And What He Saw. Brahma’s Awe And Love Permeates The Text And Gives An Overview Of The Workings Of The Cosmic Creation. Follow Brahma’s Vision And Understanding To The Feet Of Krishna And See Him Face-To-Face Yourself.
    Sri Brahma-samhita is a collection (samhita) of prayers spoken by Brahma at the beginning of material creation, after the Supreme Person Krishna gave Brahma a divine vision of the spiritual world. Brahma, in his amazement, speaks volumes of divinely inspired praise before beginning his work of creation. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu acquired the Fifth Chapter of the Brahma-samhita from the Adi-keshava temple in South India. This commentary of Sri Brahma-samhita was written by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur—the spiritual master of Srila Prabhupada—who spread Krishna consciousness all over India during the early twentieth century

    Srila Prabhupada has the following to say about the Brahma-samhita (from his purport to Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 239-240):

    “The Brahma-samhita is a very important scripture. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu acquired the Fifth Chapter from the Adi-keshava temple. In that Fifth Chapter, the philosophical conclusion of achintya-bhedabheda-tattva (simultaneous oneness and difference) is presented.

    The chapter also presents methods of devotional service, the eighteen-syllable Vedic hymn, discourses on the soul, the Supersoul and fruitive activity, an explanation of Kama-gayatri, kama-bija and the original Maha-Vishnu, and a detailed description of the spiritual world, specifically Goloka Vrindavana.

    The Brahma-samhita also explains the demigod Ganesha, Garbhodakashayi Vishnu, the origin of the Gayatri mantra, the form of Govinda and His transcendental position and abode, the living entities, the highest goal, the goddess Durga, the meaning of austerity, the five gross elements, love of Godhead, impersonal Brahman, the initiation of Lord Brahma, and the vision of transcendental love enabling one to see the Lord. The steps of devotional service are also explained.

    The mind, yoga-nidra, the goddess of fortune, devotional service in spontaneous ecstasy, incarnations beginning with Lord Ramachandra, Deities, the conditioned soul and its duties, the truth about Lord Vishnu, prayers, Vedic hymns, Lord Siva, the Vedic literature, personalism and impersonalism, good behavior, and many other subjects are also discussed. There is also a description of the sun and the universal form of the Lord. All these subjects are conclusively explained in a nutshell in the Brahma-samhita.”

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Nectar of Instruction – English


    Across five centuries and half the globe comes this compact guidebook of essential spiritual teachings.
    How to choose a guru, how to practice yoga, even where to live. You?ll find it all in this invaluable work originally written in Sanskrit by Srila Rupa Goswami, the greatest spiritual genius of medieval India.
    Now translated and explained by Srila Prabhupada, ?The Nectar of Instruction? is the key to enlightenment for all seekers on the path of spiritual perfection.
    “Instruction” is not always “nectar;” especially when it includes pointed suggestions on how we should improve our character. It’s easier on the ego to learn ballroom dancing or how to improve our golf swing. But for the rare person looking to make progress in spiritual understanding, Nectar of Instruction is one of the most important guides available, as essential to the spiritual path as guardrails and yellow lines are to any driver.

    Nectar of Instruction is a translation and commentary on Rupa Goswami’s Upadeshamrita; eleven verses on the most basic and essential principles of spiritual practice; how should an aspiring transcendentalist interact with the rest of society? What should be his work ethic? Whose company should he seek, and whose company should he avoid? Where should he live? How can one know if he’s making any spiritual progress at all? What, really, is the ultimate goal of life?

    Srila Prabhupada intended Nectar of Instruction as a practical handbook for the common man, and mandatory reading for his students. In a letter to one disciple, he said,

    “The Nectar of Instruction has come out very nice. It is very important and must be immediately read by all devotees. In the near future we shall introduce the Bhakti-sastri examination for second initiation and this shall be one of the required books of study. Anyone who reads it will immediately understand what Krishna Consciousness is. Some minister in Bombay recently asked me how to create morality amongst the students, because the students are all vagabonds. If this book is introduced for study in the schools and colleges it will give a clear idea of what morality actually is. It is a most important book.”

    Contains the original Sanskrit text, roman transliterations, synonyms, translations, and elaborate purports.

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Krishna, The Reservoir of all Pleasure – Hindi


    This introductory pamphlet presents the basic knowledge of Krishna (God), His qualities and nature, and why He is known as the source of all pleasure. Everyone seeks pleasure, but everything pales to the pleasure one receives in connection with Krishna. If we simply turn toward Him we will find, finally, all happiness we hanker for. Learn about Krishna’s fascinating personality and activities and enter into the unlimited reservoir of pleasure. Everyone seeks pleasure, but everything pales to the pleasure one receives in connection with Krsna. If we simply turn towards Him we will find, finally, all happiness we hanker for, Learn about Krsna’s fascinating personality and activities and enter into the unlimited reserovir of pleasure.

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Elevation to Krishna Consciousness – English


    Here Srila Prabhupada discusses the step-by-step process of reviving our original peaceful and happy condition, Krsna consciousness. He writes, “If we want to participate in the unlimited happiness, knowledge and eternal life which constitute our actual heritage in the spiritual world, we should not waste this life by working hard for sense gratification. We should accept a life devoted to the cultivation of Krsna consciousness, and then we will get unlimited happiness and unlimited pleasure. This is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement.”

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Perfect Questions Perfect Answers(Purna Prashna Purna Uttar) – Hindi


    Perfect Questions Perfect Answers In 1972, Bob Cohen, A Science Teacher In The Peace Corps, Began A Search For Spiritual Enlightenment That Took Him The Length And Breadth Of India. Here Is The Transcript Of His Life-Transforming Meetings With Srila Prabhupada In The Holy Village Of Mayapur, India, The Birthplace Of Sri Krishna Chaitanya, A True Account. A Series Of Meetings With Srila Prabhupada Transforms The Life Of Bob Cohen The Peace Corps Worker In India. There In A Small Bamboo House In The Holy Land Of Mayapur, He Finds Himself At The Feet Of One Of India’s Greatest Saintly Teachers, A Teacher Who Seems To Tell Him Everything He Ever Wanted To Know.
    True accounts of people seeking real happiness, spiritual realization, & liberation. Like, Bob Cohen, a young American Peace Corps worker halfway around the world, searches for meaning enters an ancient village in the midst of West Bengal, where in a small bamboo hut, he finds a teacher who tells him everything he longed for. Cohen says “God, spiritual life–those were such vague terms to me before I met Srila Prabhupada. I have always been interested in religion, but before I met the Krsna conscious devotees, somehow I did not have the proper perspective needed to inquire fruitfully about spiritual life. The existence of a Creator is only common sense–but who is God? Who am I? My Hebrew School and the Oriental philosophy could never get satisfying answers to my questions. I first heard the Hare Krsna mantra in Greenwich Village, New York, in late 1968. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”.

  • Rated 0 out of 5

    Krishna Consciousness, the Matchless Gift – English

    Original price was: ₹35.Current price is: ₹30.

    Our ?modern? educational system, is most defective because unless one knows what happens after death, one dies like an animal. An animal does not know that he is subject to death or that he is going to have another body. A living entity may have abundant supply of food for eating, or many nice buildings for sleeping, or good arrangements for sex life, or a good defense to protect him, but this does not mean that he is a human being. Since animals are also interested in these functions, human life is no different if he/she does not go beyond them. The distinction occurs when the human being becomes inquisitive and asks ‘Why have I been put into this miserable condition? Is there any remedy for it? Is there perpetual eternal life? I do not want to suffer but live happily and peacefully. Is there a chance to experience eternal happiness? What is the method or science by which this can be achieved?’ The answers to these questions are to be found in this book.
    Krishna Consciousness, the Matchless Gift is a collection of transcribed lectures by Srila Prabhupada on the philosophy and practice of bhakti-yoga—the process of reestablishing our connection with the Supreme Person.

    While only 118 pages long, Matchless Gift contains an abundance of material on many facets of the science of Krishna consciousness, along with vivid examples, stories, and analogies not found elsewhere in Srila Prabhupada’s writings. Readers will quickly gain an appreciation for Srila Prabhupada’s agility of mind and ability to make the highest teachings of the Vedas understandable to a contemporary audience. It’s a light book, packed with heavy wisdom, and best appreciated in short installments.

    The book’s title alludes to the “Matchless Gifts” sign above the entrance to the storefront at 26 2nd Avenue in New York City, which became the site of the first center for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in the western world.

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