HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Teachings of Lord Kapila : The Son of Devahuti ( Hindi )
₹95Lord Kapila is a renowned sage and the author of the philosophical system known as Sankhya, which forms an important part of India’s ancient philosophical heritage.
Sankhya is a system of metaphysics that deals with the elemental principles of the universe; it is also a system of spiritual knowledge, with its own methodology, and culminates in full consciousness of the Supreme Absolute.
Lord Kapila, however, is not an ordinary philosopher or sage but an incarnation of God.
This book deals with his answers to his mother’s enquiry about how to overcome ignorance and delusion and attain spiritual enlightenment.
The underlying theme running throughout his answers and throughout Srila Prabhupada’s commentaries on them is that one can achieve this goal by practicing bhakti-yoga, the process of linking one’s heart to the Lord’s heart through loving devotional service.
This series, with original Sanskrit, translations, and purports, sheds light on such topics as the significance of the guru, the psychology of consciousness, the characteristics of a self-realized person, the science of meditation, the nature of transcendental knowledge, and the process of ultimate liberation.
Bhagavad Gita As It Is (New Deluxe Print) (BENGALI, Hardcover, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)
₹530Bhagavad Gita is universally renowned as the jewel of India’s spiritual wisdom. Spoken by Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His intimate devotee Arjuna, Gita’s seven hundred concise verses provide a definitive guide to the science of self-realization. Indeed, no work even compares in its’ revelations of man’s essential nature, his environment and, ultimately, his relationship with God.
His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the world’s foremost Vedic scholar, and teacher representing an unbroken chain of fully self-realized spiritual masters beginning with Lord Krishna Himself. Thus, unlike other editions of the Gita, his edition conveys Lord Krishna’s profound message as it is – without the slightest taint of adulteration or personally motivated change.
Life comes from Life – Bengali
₹55Theories about the origin of life come and go like fashion trends. India’s Vedic tradition, however, has always remained consistent on this point; “life” is the natural condition of everything; there has always been and always will be life, manifesting in infinite varieties.
Life Comes From Life is a collection of conversations between Srila Prabhupada and his disciple Thoudam D. Singh, Ph.D., an organic chemist, in Los Angeles during the mid-1970’s.
Srila Prabhupada encouraged his students to use logic, reason, and scientific methods to discredit atheistic, materialistic propaganda, such as the notion that life comes from nothing. Why should we believe something can come from nothing, when all around us, every day, we see life coming from other life?
Journey of Self Discovery – Bengali
₹100Journey of Self-Discovery is a collection of transcribed conversations and lectures by Srila Prabhupada on a variety of subjects, including the means for achieving global unity, the myth of scarcity, spiritual economics, superior evolutionary models, and predictions of the future state of the world.
Many of these pieces previously appeared in Back to Godhead magazine, and helpfully address the doubts that inevitably arise for those new to the Vedic view of reality.
While Srila Prabhupada published definitive, scholarly translations and commentaries on some of the world’s most important ancient texts—Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Chaitanya Charitamrita—his printed talks found here in Journey of Self-Discovery capture the humorous, refreshing flavor of his lively debating style.
As the ambassador to the West of the age-old Krishna bhakti cult—which teaches practical devotional service to God in His most approachable and attractive form—Srila Prabhupada speaks with an authority that is hard to resist. His arguments for intelligent design, and the existence of a supremely intelligent person possessing such intelligence, have inspired many skeptics, agnostics, and atheists to reassess their worldview.
Lord Caitanya: His Life And Teachings – English
₹40Throughout the ages, many avataras – divinely inspired teachers and incarnations of God – have appeared in the world, but none has ever distributed spiritual love as freely as the Golden Avatara, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Mahaprabhu means “the Great Master”) appeared in Bengal, India, in 1486, and lived for 48 years. He began a revolution in spiritual consciousness that has profoundly affected the lives of millions. Renowned as a great saint even in His youth, Lord Chaitanya left His family at the age of 24 to teach the forgotten essence of the ancient Vedic wisdom throughout India.
Although He Himself was a fully renounced mystic, He taught how one can act in spiritual consciousness even within one’s home, occupation, and social affairs. Thus, His teachings, although timeless, bear special relevance for today’s world. He taught a practical process that anyone can perform to directly feel the ecstasy of pure love of God. This book tells about the extraordinary life of this great saint and explains the essence of His teachings.
Sri Brahma-Samhita – Hindi
₹25श्री ब्रह्म-संहिता काव्य का उद्गम प्राचीन काल से अज्ञात था । वैदिक परम्परा के अनुसार, ब्रह्म-संहिता के ये श्लोक इस ब्रह्माण्ड के प्रथम निर्मित जीव श्री ब्रह्मा ने, असंख्य युगों पूर्व, सृष्टिरचना प्रारम्भ करने से पहले गाये थे । श्री ब्रह्म-संहिता का प्रारम्भ पूर्ण पुरूषोत्तम भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण द्वारा श्री ब्रह्मा को दिए गये ज्ञान से होता है । उसके बाद श्री ब्रह्मा की असामान्य रूप से सुन्दर प्रार्थनाएं आती है, जो उन्होंने उनके साक्षात्कार के क्षण की थी, जिनमें भगवान् का धाम अर्थात् आध्यात्मिक जगत्, ब्रह्माण्ड का आविष्कार और भगवान् कृष्ण के तथा उनके पार्षदों के गुणों का वर्णन आता है । श्री ब्रह्म-संहिता के इस संस्करण का अनुवाद और टीका श्रील भक्तिसिद्धान्त सरस्वती ठाकुर ने लिखे है, जो श्रील प्रभुपाद (इस्कॉन के संस्थापकाचार्य) के “गुरू’ है ।
Nectar Of Prabhupada’s Teachings (Srila Prabhupada Kathamrita) – Bengali
Original price was: ₹35.₹30Current price is: ₹30. -
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita (Gita Saar) – Bengali
Original price was: ₹30.₹25Current price is: ₹25. -
Laws of Nature – English
₹35In The Laws of Nature: An Infallible Justice, we learn who?s pulling the string and why?
Karma and the laws governing nature are a baffling and entangling force that shackles us to this world.
Understand the workings of the laws and the Lawmaker, get free of the restraints and attain real freedom.
This absorbing book explores the age-old mysteries of karma and reincarnation, free will and destiny, enlightenment and liberation. -
Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita Set (9 Volume set) – Telugu
₹2240There is no difference between the teachings of Lord Caitanya presented here and the teachings of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. The teachings of Lord Caitanya are practical demonstrations of Lord Krishna’s teachings.
Teachings of Queen Kunti – Bengali
Queen Kunti, a tragic and heroic figure, emerges from an explosive era in the history of ancient India. She was a central figure in a complex political drama that led to a bloody fratricidal war for the Indian throne. Yet through all her sufferings she found an inner wisdom and strength that carried her people through the time of crisis.
Queen Kunti’s teachings are the simple and illuminating outpourings of the soul of a great and saintly woman, revealing the deepest philosophical and theological penetrations of the intellect.
Here the world’s most distinguished modern teacher of Vedic culture and philosophy, His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, presents the ‘Teachings of Queen Kunti’ with startling clarity and power.
A Beginner’s Guide to Krsna Conciousness – English
Original price was: ₹35.₹30Current price is: ₹30. -
Bhakti – The Art of Eternal Love – English
Original price was: ₹30.₹25Current price is: ₹25. -
Chanting Hare Krishna – Hindi
₹85हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र का कीर्तन हमें असीम लाभ प्रदान करता है। यह कीर्तन मन को शान्त करता है, विचारों को स्पष्ट करता है, असीम सुख एवं मंगल प्रदान करता है, चेतना को शुद्ध बनाता है और अन्ततः हमें कृष्णभक्ति का सर्वोच्च फल भगवद्प्रेम प्रदान करता है।
मन द्वारा नियंत्रित होने के स्थान पर हमें मन को नियंत्रित करना चाहिए। मंत्र एक संस्कृत शब्द है। इसका अर्थ है “मन को तारने (उद्धार करने वाला “। हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र का कीर्तन हमें निरर्थक प्रयासों में रत सांसारिक जीवन से ऊपर उठने तथा दिव्य चेतना को अनुभव करने का विशेष अवसर प्रदान करता है। हरे कृष्ण मंत्र पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करते ही हम स्फूर्ति, विश्वास तथा आनन्द से भर उठते हैं। चिन्ताएँ, तनाव तथा अनावश्यक विषाद दूर हो जाते हैं। शान्त मन ही सुखी एवं उत्साहपूर्ण जीवन का आधार है।
हरे कृष्ण मंत्र हमारे अन्तःकरण की खोज में सहायता करता है और हमारे हृदय में विराजमान ज्ञान एवं शक्ति के परम स्रोत की अनुभूति कराता है। इस महामंत्र का कीर्तन इन्द्रियों, मन तथा बुद्धि से परे तथा कर्मबन्धनों एवं तीन गुणों से मुक्त हमारे सच्चे आध्यात्मिक अस्तित्त्व के अनुभव का मार्ग प्रशस्त करता है।
The Path of Perfection (Deluxe Edition) (HB) – English
₹140In February of 1969, Srila Prabhupada gave a series of lectures in Los Angeles on the sixth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, which deals with the yoga system. Path of Perfection is a collection of these historic talks.
“No one really wants to sit down and meditate. Why should we? We’re meant for positive activity, for recreation, for pleasure.”
He explains that a perfect life—in which the goal of yoga is reached—is dynamic and full of activity. Our nature is spiritual, and spirit is the essence of everything that lives. Real yoga means to connect our activities with the Supreme Spirit—in straightforward, practical ways. If perfection is possible, why settle for anything less?
“Perhaps you have seen pictures of Krishna, and if so, you have noticed that Krishna is always jolly. If you join His society, you will also become jolly. Have you ever seen pictures of Krishna working with a machine? Have you ever seen pictures of Krishna smoking? No, He is by nature full of pleasure, and if you unfold yourself in that way, you will also find pleasure.”
In these absorbing talks, Srila Prabhupada deeply explores the philosophy of yoga as explained in the Sixth and Eighth Chapters of the Gita, showing clearly how these timeless teachings apply today. Learn about the nature of consciousness, techniques of meditation, karma, death, reincarnation, and even spiritual ecstasy.